Educate your child with academic excellence and Biblical values.
We offer a proven method of education with a biblical approach. Request infoWatch videoA Biblical, affordable, proven solution for your family
Now Enrolling K-4 through 12th grades

For 49 years, Emmanuel Christian Academy in Newington, Connecticut has been partnering with parents to train up the next generation of Christian leaders.

Education your child deserves
Excellent Opportunities

High Quality classes
In addition to an unwavering focus on English and Math, our students receive a well-rounded education in history, science, and life skills.
Athletic Competition
Grades 7–12 can participate in soccer, volleyball, basketball, cross country, and flag football. Grades 3-6 can participate in basketball and spring soccer.
Fine Arts
Students in grades 7-12 participate in a competition of fine arts and academics.
Where do i start?
Learn more about our mission by watching a virtual tour.

Start today
Excellent Academics
Competitive Athletics